Information magazine of the Department of Industrial Engineering

Università di Trento

From lab to leadership: Lorenzo Menaldo’s career path
Smart Materials: the future of artificial muscles
Microplastics: a macro problem
The resilience of natural systems: a fascinating mystery


In our daily lives, robots are silent companions, present in factories, homes, and even hospitals. From robust and powerful industrial robots to small household assistants, robotics technology is constantly evolving to meet diverse human needs. So, what will be the next revolution? The so-called soft robotics.
The term "microplastic" was coined by Richard Thompson and refers to plastic particles smaller than 5 mm. This definition was chosen because these particles are visible under a microscope, requiring detailed observation to identify them. But where do these microplastics come from, and what materials are they made of?

The complexity of natural mechanisms represents one of the most intriguing and challenging issues to tackle. A fascinating mystery lies in how natural systems manage to be so resilient. How do they maintain stable behaviors and fundamental properties essential for survival despite vast environmental variations and the uncertainty of the contexts in which they operate?


The visit to Feralpi Group provided students with a firsthand look at the excellence of Italian steelmaking. Featuring advanced technologies, sustainable solutions, and career opportunities, the sector remains an economic and social pillar, blending tradition and innovation.
Students from the Industrial Engineering program at the University of Trento visited the Röchling Automotive plant in Laives, exploring injection molding technologies and innovative production processes. This formative experience connected theory and practice in the automotive sector.
In the world of metals, ductility emerges as a fundamental characteristic. It represents a metal's ability to deform plastically before fracture occurs. In other words, the higher the ductility of a metal, the greater its capacity to undergo deformations without breaking. This property plays a crucial role in engineering and the production of metallic artifacts.


The production of aluminum billets is predominantly driven by the aerospace, automotive, and transportation sectors, all of which demand high-performance materials. In this landscape, aluminum extrusion remains one of the most essential processes employed. A market that continuously demands better performance pushes manufacturers to innovate relentlessly in pursuit of improved production efficiency.
Students from the University of Trento visited Aquafil Spa, discovering the production processes of synthetic fibers and the company's commitment to sustainability. This formative experience connected theory and practice, demonstrating how innovation and environmental respect can coexist.
Imagine an industry where nothing is wasted, and every byproduct becomes Raw Material for a new production process. This is the concept behind industrial symbiosis: when waste from one industrial process becomes the raw material for another.


Lorenzo Menaldo’s professional journey spans innovation, engineering, and leadership. From university to international management roles, then into consulting and academic mentorship.
"I felt like something was missing, and that something was a period of study abroad. The opportunity came and paved the way for me to work as a researcher at one of the most prestigious American universities today.” These are the words of Elisa Torresani, an assistant professor at San Diego State University, who moved there seven years ago after completing her engineering studies at the University of Trento, from her bachelor's degree to her PhD.
The autonomous driving sector is evolving rapidly. "In the near future, the sector is developing around two complementary business models: privately-owned vehicles with highway-level autonomous driving features, where a human driver remains on standby, and driverless vehicles for shared mobility, such as shuttles and robotaxis." Contributing to this transition from prototyping to mass-market deployment is one of the most exciting challenges of his work.
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