Information magazine of the Department of Industrial Engineering

Università di Trento

A New Book on the Ductility and Formability of Metals

In the world of metals, ductility emerges as a fundamental characteristic. It represents a metal’s ability to deform plastically before fracture occurs. In other words, the higher the ductility of a metal, the greater its capacity to undergo deformations without breaking. This property plays a crucial role in engineering and the production of metallic artifacts.

Uncovering the secrets of steel: Martino Olioso on innovation

“Who made me fall in love with metallurgy? The professors I met in high school. They instilled in me the desire to deepen my understanding of this discipline. And to think that in middle school, I told myself I would go straight to work instead of university!” Martino has come a long way since then and has never stopped challenging himself or gaining experience.

Mara Leonardi: the detective of brake materials

“Every day, you learn something new. Although difficulties are not lacking—because you can’t know everything and the feeling is often one of never being fully competent—it’s rewarding to see how the path becomes clearer over time.”

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